Limitless digital assets

Only Possible on Solana

Examples of NFTs you can get:

NFT Example Image
NFT Example Image
NFT Example Image

One click, no wallet needed!

Compressed NFTs have exponentially lowered the cost of creating digital assets.


How do I try it?

By clicking claim below!

We are distributing NFTs to anyone, even if they’ve never touched crypto! Take a peek at some of the NFT art pieces on the left.

One click, one NFT, no wallet required.

Please Note: these NFTs do not and will not have any utility. Do not speculate on the value. They are simply a demo of compressed NFTs with a touch of fun.

Why does it matter?

Use Cases

Social & Email

Send TipLinks at scale via email, Twitter, Discord, or other social channels.

In Real Life

Distribute TipLinks via QR codes or NFC tags at in-person events.

Web Apps

Place a button to distribute TipLinks on your website.

Feeling creative? Try our API!

Questions on integrating?

Contact our team

Connect with us via Discord or the Google Form to explore ways TipLink and compressed NFTs can help your project.

City Scape